6 Ways You Can Make Work-Life Balance Happen

Not that long ago, there was a much clearer line between work life and home life. For many reasons (many technical) those lines have blurred. Toss in lockdowns and other pandemic-related reactions and boundaries barely exist now. It shouldn’t be this way. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Work-life balance is still possible. But it doesn’t happen on its own. The onus is on you to identify and assess the factors impacting your life. What’s stressing you? How happy are you with your personal life? What must be sacrificed and what needs to be a higher priority? Let's take a closer look.

6 Ways You Can Make Work-Life Balance Happen

1. At Work: Talk to Your Supervisor (even if that’s you!)

The workplace just keeps changing. For example, there’s flex-time and people working from home. Don’t downplay the need for balance in order to avoid asking for flexibility. And if you’re the boss, give yourself and others a much-needed break.

2. At Home: Intentionally Unplug

Constant connectivity may be the prime reason for work-life imbalance. You have every right to set boundaries, e.g. no work emails after a certain hour. Set some boundaries with yourself, too. When you’re finally done with work, don’t just switch to staring at another screen.

3. At Work: Set Reachable Goals and Be Efficient

Quite often, stress increases when you feel out of control. So, be more organized at work. Set realistic goals. Do not get buried by deadlines. Use your work time as efficiently as possible. This empowers you to switch into non-work mode without having tasks nagging at you.

4. At Home: Prioritize Self-Care

Even if your work is physical, you need some exercise time in your daily life. It will:

  • Reduce stress

  • Keep you healthy

  • Increase self-esteem

  • Sharpen work skills and performance

Add to this with a regular self-care regimen featuring elements like:

  • Regular sleep patterns

  • Healthy eating choices

  • Relaxation techniques

5. At Work: Give Up Perfectionism

Work can dominate the work-life balance if you’re obsessed with doing everything “perfectly.” It’s great to take pride in your efforts. However, perfection is destructive. It is actually a fear of failure that adds an incredible amount of anxiety to your day-to-day existence. Focus on tip #3 above. Be efficient. Set reachable goals. And then move on. Tomorrow is another day.

6. At Home: Give Up Perfectionism

There is no one “right” way to make the most of your non-work hours. You get to decide that and it’s allowed to change on a daily basis. There is value in lounging in a hammock and pondering the universe. There is value in blasting your way through a Cross-Fit session. Let go of perfectionism but do not lose sight of the moment. Stay grounded and find a good blend of achieving goals while stopping to smell the roses.

Is Stress Blocking Your Way?

If your work-life balance has gotten so out of whack, you may have trouble adjusting it. The related stress may feel overwhelming and change seems to be impossible. Such a scenario is an ideal time to ask for help. It’s a smart time to look into therapy.

Your weekly sessions can satisfy many of your needs. You can assess your current situation while identifying what needs to change. Anxiety counseling can serve as a workshop of sorts. You and your therapist explore new approaches and ideas. The goal is to set you up with the skills you need to strike a healthy harmony. If this sounds appealing to you, I’d love to hear from you. Let’s set up a free and confidential consultation and get you starting on the road to work-life balance.