Here Comes Holiday Stress! 5 Ways to Cope

With the holiday season comes food and decorations and parties — and stress. Every November, we tell ourselves that things will be different this year. But that does not happen without some advance planning. A reasonable level of holiday stress is normal and inevitable. Even so, it does not have to become overwhelming.

The keys are preparation and balance. Don’t allow yourself to be taken by surprise. And don’t ever aim for perfection. Learn from the past but remain open to new options. Even in 2021, the holidays can be a time of joy, gratitude, reflection, and community. If that sounds ideal, read on!

5 Ways Holiday Stress Can Get to You

1. Finances

The pressure is on and it starts as early as late summer. Spend, spend, spend! Money issues are tough any time of year. During the holidays, it is a special kind of burden — especially if you have children.

2. Family Issues

Just because you’re related doesn’t mean you enjoy or even tolerate each other’s company. Family drama can sap the fun out of any gathering.

3. Long To-Do Lists

Each year, the lists seem to get longer. Or maybe it’s that our patience gets shorter. You wonder: How will I ever get it all done?

4. Loneliness

Not everyone has a social circle to enjoy during the holidays. This time of year can be a painful reminder of lost loved ones. It’s no wonder that depression and suicide rise between November and December.

5. Unhealthy Choices

Exercise regimens, diets, and sleep patterns can all suffer during this time of year. This unhealthy shift often results in mood swings. In turn, mood swings can amplify feelings of stress and anxiety.

5 Ways to Cope With Holiday Stress

1. Practice Self-Care

Let’s start with the basics. No matter how busy you are, you can make time to focus on fundamentals like:

  • Regular sleep patterns

  • Eating healthy meals

  • Getting daily exercise

  • Practicing stress management techniques

2. Lower Your Expectations

Where is it written that you have to follow a predetermined script? Life isn’t a book or movie. You have every right to create the kind of rituals that make sense to you and your family. Perfection must never be the goal.

3. Downsize

Following up on #2 above, you have the freedom to simplify the process. Now, more than ever, people are expecting major holiday adjustments. Use this as a golden opportunity to downsize your plans to a manageable level. Keep an open mind about what is really important to you.

4. Help Others

Nothing puts the holiday season in perspective like helping those in need. It’s a cliché — but for good reason. Especially for those who feel lonely, volunteering can offer a new perspective. It also helps by the simple fact that you suddenly do have plans on the big days.

5. Ask For Help

Don’t play the role of martyr. While you’re lowering expectations and downsizing things, you can also ask others to step up. Create a new holiday tradition: delegating. Everyone plays a role. Nobody feels overwhelmed.

Give Yourself an Incredible Holiday Gift

The most important gift of the 2021 holiday season just might be therapy. It won’t come in fancy wrapping but it will be the gift that keeps on giving. Whether you are overwhelmed or lonely or frustrated or grieving, anxiety therapy can help you through this time of year. From there, it can be part of your daily life as you move forward.

If this type of relief and guidance sounds like the best gift ever, let’s connect. Give me a call and let’s schedule a confidential consultation. I’d love to help you through these challenging times and beyond.