Easy Ways to Integrate Self-Care into Your Daily Routine 

Written By: Laura Squiers, LPC

Easy Ways to Integrate Self-Care into Your Daily Routine 

Small acts of self-care throughout your day and week can have a lasting and positive impact on your mental health. Self-care can help manage stress, increase energy, and can even help your body fight against illness! 

Bedtime Routine - Sleep is so important! You probably already know that getting sufficient, restful sleep is vital for our bodies to function. Good quality sleep can have an impact on our mental health as well. Studies have shown links between sleep and depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, to name a few. Limiting screen time (blue light exposure), listening to a bedtime meditation, or using a relaxing essential oil like lavender can help create a more effective bedtime routine. 

Morning Routine - What you do immediately after waking up each morning sets the tone for your entire day. For example, if you’re constantly rushing around or running late in the mornings, you’ve probably noticed an increase in your stress level throughout the day. Try resisting the urge to check your phone and instead, opt for a 60 second (or longer) full-body stretch routine. Listen to some uplifting music, or positive affirmations while you shower, brush your teeth, put on makeup, etc. Or, practice being mindful while you eat your breakfast, or drink your morning coffee. 

Lunch Break - Take those breaks throughout the day! Whether you get one lunch break, or have more freedom in your work day, taking time to step away from the computer and allow your mind (and your eyes) to rest can make a huge difference. Simple self-care practices like stretching, a mindfulness or grounding activity, a few deep breaths, a walk outside, or meditation can help decrease stress levels and improve focus when it’s time to return to work. 

Schedule It - Some people also like to schedule self-care outside of the moments listed above. This could mean putting that 20 minute meditation on your calendar (and holding yourself accountable!). Maybe you already have your weekly gym or yoga schedule down, or maybe now is the perfect time to be proactive and schedule your self-care!